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Paying for Home Care

Paying for home care services is one of the most challenging issues for caregivers because most elders and families must pay for services out-of-pocket. This is a harsh reality for many working- and middle-class families, yet home care services may be the only way to keep an elder out of a nursing home. Since home care can become a major expense, families should consider doing long-term financial planning.

Some health maintenance organizations (HMOs) and some health and long-term care insurance plans provide coverage for home health care, so be sure to check benefit statements and policies carefully. You may want to contact the insurance providers to clarify what is covered by the elder's plan. The provider may require the elder's written or verbal permission in order for you to be able to discuss his or her insurance, so be sure to find out from the provider what is required, so you can gather the necessary materials.

We accept private pay, Medicaid, and some long-term care insurance.

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